
From Buddha-Nature

Sanskrit Noun


acquired potential

Basic Meaning
A potential or disposition that is acquired, accentuated, or developed through past karmic actions.

Term Variations
Key Term samudānītagotra
Topic Variation samudānītagotra
Tibetan རྒྱས་འགྱུར་གྱི་རིགས་  ( gye gyur kyi rik)
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration rgyas 'gyur gyi rigs  ( gye gyur kyi rik)
Devanagari Sanskrit समुदानीतगोत्र
Romanized Sanskrit samudānītagotra
Chinese 習所成種性
Chinese Pinyin xí suǒ chéng zhǒng xìng
Japanese Transliteration shūshushō
Buddha-nature Site Standard English acquired potential
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term unfolding disposition
Richard Barron's English Term evolved aspect of spiritual affinity
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term developmental lineage
Ives Waldo's English Term the affinity to be developed
Term Information
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning A potential or disposition that is acquired, accentuated, or developed through past karmic actions.
Related Terms prakṛtisthagotra
Term Type Noun
Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism See page 759–60: In the Yogācāra school, a distinction is made between the indestructible, inherent “naturally endowed lineage” (prakṛtisthagotra) and this changeable, continuously acquired “lineage conditioned by habits” (samudānītagotra). In contrast to the former, which predetermines a person’s orientation toward the two vehicles of either Mahāyāna or Hīnayāna, the latter allows for some leeway for personal adaptations and change through doctrinal study, practice, and exposure (these are what are meant by “habits”). According to this controversial Yogācāra tenet, whereas a person cannot effect change in terms of his highest spiritual potential and vehicular predisposition because of his “naturally endowed lineage,” he can nevertheless influence the speed with which he is able to attain enlightenment, and other extrinsic variations within his predetermined “lineage.” This flexibility is the lineage that is conditioned, and can be altered, by “habits.” Together and in contrast with the “naturally endowed lineage,” they are known as “the two lineages: intrinsic and acquired” (xingxi er[zhong]xing).